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Dot Trademark Participates in World Domain Conference

Source: RegistryDate: 2016-08-10

The World Domain Conference was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang, China from 6th to 9th July. Nearly 300 attendees from domain registries, registrars and internet service providers of dozens of countries were in attendance. During the conference, the participants shared in-depth research and engaged in discussion on topics such as the Development Status and Trends of Global Domain Names, Market Prospects of New gTLDs, the Development of Domain Applications, and Domain Security.

Walter Wu, President of .商标 (“Dot Trademark”) Domain Registry, actively participated in the conference. He was also a featured panelist in a Development Trend of New gTLDs discussion, where he introduced the .商标 domain as the online symbol for “trademark” in China, its development, and adoption and use by brands.