To all registrars and resellers of Dot Trademark:
Dot Trademark domain names have been increasingly used by international brand owners as a trusted and convenient online portal in China. To thank brand owners’ continued support in Dot Trademark, we are pleased to launch a registration and renewal offer, under which applicants who successful registered or renewed a Dot trademark will gain Complimentary Registration Years (CRYs) according to the registration/ renewal periods.
The details are as follows:
One-time registration/renewal period (years) | Complimentary Registration Years (CRY) |
10 | 6 |
9 | 5 |
8 | 4 |
7 | 3 |
6 | 2 |
5 | 1 |
Use of complimentary registration years
1. This offer is applicable to both new registrations and renewals of Dot Trademark names.
2. All gained CRYs are non-transferrable and non-redeemable, and can be used by the same registrant only.
3. As the annual fees of Dot Trademark names are priced differently based on 4 naming methods, use of CRY is restricted to the types of Dot Trademark names which annual fees are not higher than the annual fee of the type of Dot Trademark name used to gain the relevant CRY(s).
Example: By renewing a Dot Trademark name in Category B (RMB2,800 per year) for 10years, the registrant gained a total of 6 CRYs, which can be used in new registration/renewal of Dot Trademark name which annual fee is not higher than RMB2,800, including those in Category B (RMB 2,800), C (RMB 2,800), and D (RMB 1,200).
4. The registration period of any newly registered or renewed Dot Trademark name including any used CRY(s) shall not exceed 10 years.
5. The maximum renewable period of a Dot Trademark name is the remaining number of years before its registration period reaches 10 years. For instance, if a Dot Trademark name will be expired in 3 years, that it can be renewed for a maximum term of 7 years (it will be counted as 1 year if the remaining period is less than one year).
6. CRYs will expire in 30 natural days after the date of release (the registration or renewal date of the relevant Dot Trademark name)
This offer is valid from the announcement date and lasts till 30 September 2017. Dot Trademark Registry reserves the right of final decision on the interpretation on these terms and conditions. Should you have any inquiries, please contact our Customer Service at +86 400-628-1121 or .
Dot Trademark Registry
21 June 2017
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