Dot Trademark Brand Enhancement Promotion



Dear Registrars,

To facilitate consumers to quickly and directly search and locate corresponding goods/services on the Internet, Dot Trademark Registry is launching Dot Trademark Brand Enhancement Promotion with the following details:

I Promotion Details:

 New / Renewal Dot Trademark

Complimentary Registration Years


       Applicable Dot 

  Trademark Categories                of CRYs

Category A

   (Trademark name).商标

Same number of CRYs as the         registration/renewal                    application(s)

Category B/C .商标

of the same brand name

Category B

   (Trademark name +      goods/services name).商标

  Category D .商标 of the        same brand name

Category C

   (Designated place+ trademark name).商标

Category D

(Designated place + trademark name + goods/services name).商标




II Terms and Conditions

1. Applicants shall receive the same number of CRYs as the registration/renewal Dot Trademark(s);

2. The CRYs can be used for new registration of one or more applicable Dot Trademark names as set out in the above table;

3. CRYs are non-transferrable and the registrant of the New / Renewal Dot Trademark(s) shall be of the same person, and shall be hosted to the same website held by this registrant.

4. Dot Trademark(s) using CRYs shall be submitted together with the New / Renewal Dot Trademark(s);

5. With respect to the protection of designated goods/services of the complementary registration, the registrant may choose goods/services of different classifications;

6. The new registration of Dot Trademark with CRYs shall be subjected to the Dot Trademark Registration Rules which are in force at the time of application, as well as any other policies and rules issued by Dot Trademark Registry which are applicable to Dot Trademark registrations.

III Example

1. If an applicant registers/renews Category A “” for 10 years with the Brands designated goods in the classification of alcoholic beverages, then he/she can receive a total of 10 CRYs in Category B or C .商标, such as:

Category B “xxx” for 10 years, or

Category C “China” for 10 years, or

Category B “xxx” and 5-year Category C “China” for 5 years respectively.

(Registrants may allocate or combine the CRYs among the applicable Dot Trademark by themselves.)

2. If an applicant registers/renews Category B or C “xxx” for 10 years with the Brands designated goods in the classification of alcoholic beverages, then he/she can receive a total of 10 CRYs in Category D .商标, such as

Category D “China xxx” for 10 years, or

Category D “China xxx” and Category D “China xxx” for 5 years respectively.

(Registrants may allocate or combine the CRYs among the applicable Dot Trademark by themselves.)

IV Promotional Period

This promotion is valid from the date of this announcement till 31 March 2018.

Dot Trademark Registry reserves the right to the final explanation of any of the terms and conditions set out in case of dispute, and its decision shall be final.

Should you have any questions, please contact us at


Dot Trademark Registry

30 Oct. 2017


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