Welcome to ".商标" (dot Trademark) registry !

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We are now making an announcement about the time frame for the priority registration period of the process of opening up ".SHANGBIAO":

Source: RegistryDate: 2016-04-06

We are now making an announcement about the time frame for the priority registration period of the process of opening up ".SHANGBIAO":


The priority registration period of ".SHANGBIAO" (dot trademark in Chinese) is from October 9, 2014 to November 30, 2014, within which all applications submitted by applicants who comply with the ".SHANGBIAO" Domain Name Registration Rules will be accepted. An applicant needs to provide valid trademark registration documents (hereinafter referred to as the “trademark documents”) or valid trademark application/submission documents (hereinafter referred to as the “trademark application documents”) to submit an application at the priority registration period. Only after the period is concluded will the question of to which applicant the domain name in question will belong be decided in accordance with the assignment rules for the priority registration period.


".SHANGBIAO" Domain Registry
October 23, 2014